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Data Grid - Copy and paste

Copy and paste data using clipboard.

Clipboard copy

You can copy selected grid data to the clipboard using the Ctrl+C (⌘ Command+C on macOS) keyboard shortcut. The copied cell values are separated by a tab (\t) character and the rows are separated by a new line (\n) character.

The priority of the data copied to the clipboard is the following, from highest to lowest:

  1. If more than one cell is selected (see Cell selection), the selected cells are copied
  2. If one or more rows are selected (see Row selection), the selected rows are copied
  3. If there is a single cell selected, the single cell is copied

Clipboard paste

You can paste data from clipboard using the Ctrl+V (⌘ Command+V on macOS) keyboard shortcut. The paste operation only affects cells in the columns that are editable.

Same as with editing, you can use valueParser to modify the pasted value and valueSetter to update the row with new values. See Value parser and value setter section of the editing documentation for more details.

The behavior of the clipboard paste operation depends on the selection state of the Data Grid and the data pasted from clipboard. The priority is the following, from highest to lowest:

  1. If multiple cells are selected (see Cell selection), the selected cells are updated with the pasted values.
  2. If one or more rows are selected (see Row selection), the selected rows are updated with the pasted values.
  3. If a single cell is selected, the values are pasted starting from the selected cell.
Press Enter to start editing

Disable clipboard paste

To disable clipboard paste, set the disableClipboardPaste prop to true:

Press Enter to start editing

Persisting pasted data

Clipboard paste uses the same API for persistence as Editing—use the processRowUpdate prop to persist the updated row in your data source:

processRowUpdate?: (newRow: R, oldRow: R) => Promise<R> | R;

The row will be updated with a value returned by the processRowUpdate callback. If the callback throws or returns a rejected promise, the row will not be updated.

The demo below shows how to persist the pasted data in the browser's sessionStorage.


The following events are fired during the clipboard paste operation:

  • clipboardPasteStart - fired when the clipboard paste operation starts
  • clipboardPasteEnd - fired when all row updates from clipboard paste have been processed

For convenience, you can also listen to these events using their respective props:

  • onClipboardPasteStart
  • onClipboardPasteEnd

Additionally, there is the onBeforeClipboardPasteStart prop, which is called before the clipboard paste operation starts and can be used to cancel or confirm the paste operation:

const onBeforeClipboardPasteStart = async () => {
  const confirmed = window.confirm('Are you sure you want to paste?');
  if (!confirmed) {
    throw new Error('Paste operation cancelled');

<DataGridPremium onBeforeClipboardPasteStart={onBeforeClipboardPasteStart} />;

The demo below uses the Dialog component for paste confirmation. If confirmed, the Data Grid displays a loading indicator during the paste operation.

Format of the clipboard data

By default, the clipboard copy and paste operations use the following format:

  • The cell values are separated by a tab (\t) character.
  • The rows are separated by a new line (\n) character.

You can use clipboardCopyCellDelimiter and splitClipboardPastedText props to change the format:

  // support comma separated values
  splitClipboardPastedText={(text) => text.split('\n').map((row) => row.split(','))}

The demo below uses , (comma) character as a cell delimiter for both copy and paste operations:

Press Enter to start editing