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Migrating to v6

This guide explains how and why to migrate from Material UI v5 to v6.

Start using the alpha release

In the package.json file, change the package version from latest to next.

-"@mui/material": "latest",
+"@mui/material": "next",

Using next ensures your project always uses the latest v6 alpha release. Alternatively, you can also target and fix it to a specific version, for example, 6.0.0-alpha.0.

Breaking changes

Since v6 is a new major release, it contains some changes that affect the public API. The steps you need to take to migrate from Material UI v5 to v6 are described below.

Added exports field to package.json

The exports field has been added to the @mui/material/package.json file to improve the ESM and CJS builds split:

// ...
"exports": {
    ".": {
        "types": "./index.d.ts",
        "mui-modern": "./modern/index.mjs",
        "import": "./index.mjs",
        "default": "./node/index.js"
    "./*": {
        "types": "./*/index.d.ts",
        "mui-modern": "./modern/index.mjs",
        "import": "./*/index.mjs",
        "default": "./node/*/index.js"
// ...

Read more about the exports field in the Node.js documentation.

This change limits the exported modules to the root import and one level deep imports. If you were importing from deeper levels, you will need to update your imports:

- import buttonClasses from '@mui/material/Button/buttonClasses';
+ import { buttonClasses } from '@mui/material/Button';
- const { default: Button } = require('@mui/material/node/Button');
+ const { default: Button } = require('@mui/material/Button');

You might have to update your bundler configuration to support the new structure. Following are some common use cases that require changes:

Importing CJS

If you were importing from /node as a workaround, this is no longer necessary as the exports field maps CJS to the correct files.

Using the modern bundle

The way the modern bundle should be imported has changed. Previously, you would alias @mui/material to @mui/material/modern in your bundler configuration. Now, you should configure your bundler's resolve conditions to use the "mui-modern" condition name. Here's the updated Webpack example that was previously documented:

 module.exports = {
   resolve: {
-    alias: {
-      '@mui/material': '@mui/material/modern',
-    }
+    conditionNames: ['mui-modern', 'import', 'default'],

Documentation: resolve.conditionNames